The Flow Barrier Is 

  • - CLOSED -

This page is maintained by volunteers of the QQLA. 

It is assumed you are standing at the boat ramp on Lake Quaboag. This lake is called “North Pond”. It is connected to Lake Quacumquasit, “South Pond,” at a bridge 1.6 miles South of this ramp. That bridge is on South Pond Rd / Lake Road, Brookfield and it has an attached FLOW BARRIER.

The North Pond/South Pond Flow Barrier is occasionally closed to prevent backflow from North to South Pond, when the water level in North Pond is higher than that in South Pond. When closed, boats are unable to travel between the ponds without a portage across Lake Rd.  When open, small, shallow boats may pass beneath the bridge. 

The flow barrier is the responsibility of the East Brookfield Board of Selectmen, who delegate operations to the Quaboag Quacumquasit Lake Association. All activity is reported to the East Brookfield BOS. Decisions as to whether to open or close the barrier are made using an extensive database of recorded water levels and rainfall data. 

Learn more about the QQLA by visiting the website or Facebook page.